As of January 1st, 2015, Facebook has restructured their polices. More importantly, they have also restructured the way they present them to the user. If you are a Facebook user, here is what you need to know. **Pay special attention to the last section.** 1. Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions When you initially sign on for a service, you
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I’d like to talk about the safe places to store your digital pictures that you DON’T want seen. Spoiler Alert: there aren’t any. Once you have captured a digital photo on a device that is connected to the internet, there are no guarantees that it will stay where it belongs. When we hear about compromising photos, the reference is often to nudes.
Read more →*Updated 2019* At least once a year you should take time to review your accounts and their respective privacy settings. (Seriously, set a reminder!) Below is the list of all the important account links you need – If you don’t use them today, you may want to bookmark this page for later. Start with your 3 step plan for spring maintenance: Step 1:
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