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Archive for the Twitter Category

6 Places You Should Build Your Brand Online

6 Places You Should Build Your Brand Online

Wanting to create a brand online and not sure where to start? Here’s our guide to the top 6 places you should create a presence for personal use, clubs/teams, or your business. 1. Website A website is a great central hub for all things you on the internet. It can be the one place people are sure to turn up

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Who Will Own Your Digital Legacy?

Who Will Own Your Digital Legacy?

A scary thing happened last year. My dad was hospitalized. This happens to people every day. What it brought to light for me was that my mother did not know how to see and pay their bills. Everything was set up to go through my dad’s email account, which he could not tend to and we, the children, did not

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11 things you need to know about Twitter

11 things you need to know about Twitter

Whether you tweet more often than you eat or if you have never even been on the site, you probably know that Twitter has become an incredibly popular way for people to express themselves. Here are the 11 things you need to know about Twitter: 1. It is the SMS of the internet. Twitter was originally created to emulate the

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Social Networks 2013 – Year in Review

Social Networks 2013 - Year in Review

Another year come to a close and 2013 was certainly the rise of the Social Networks! Viral video stars now rival Hollywood popularity (for their 15 minutes anyway) and marketing companies are finding that social sharing is the best way to get your message out. With so many people sharing their lives, thoughts, and art via social networks, the internet

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Privacy Settings – why you can’t set it and forget it

Privacy Settings - why you can't set it and forget it

Thanks to Edward Snowden and the NSA, Privacy has become the new buzzword of the year. Yet despite all the media coverage, here are some startling stats from social media (according to Pew): Of the 1 billion Facebook users 13 million users have never touched their privacy settings 26% of men and 14% of women have completely public profiles across

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Using your online identity to get hired, not fired!

Using your online identity to get hired, not fired!

In a world where 91% of bigger employers use social networks to screen their candidates, what does your digital identity say about you? The right one can get you the job you are looking for. The wrong one can get you fired. Social networks have become an awesome avenue to share your creative side – photos, videos, blogs. They connect

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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Every time you sign up for a service – online or otherwise – you need to agree to their Terms and Conditions (T&C), also known as Terms of Service or Terms of Use. The T&C are a set of legally-binding conditions forming a contract that takes effect when you click “I Accept”. Additionally, some contain a disclaimer that these terms could

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Facebook is like a what?

Facebook is like a what?

For anyone else finding it hard to keep track of which social networks are out there and what they all do, I have come up with a set of analogies to help out. Rather than just tell you what the network is, let’s talk about what it is like…. is like … being in a dark interrogation room. You put

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The Online Acronyms and Slang List

The Online Acronyms and Slang List

*Updated for 2018 Every generation has their slang. The advent of the text message gave us all sorts of acronyms that were easy to type – CUL8R (see you later) or TTYS (talk to you soon). But the 140 character texting and (original) Twitter limit is a whole new ballgame. And now everyone types in acronyms. Here are definitions for

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