As part of our privacy policy, we do not publish events at private institutions such as companies or schools. We do welcome you join us for public events or catch up with us through posted media.
Due to the current climate of COVID-19, we are exclusively booking virtual events in the near future and (hopefully) in-person events soon. We have the technology to continue to deliver seminars, workshops, and consulting from home. Reach out if you have any questions!
Company Bookings
We are pleased to offer a full Global Data Privacy Regulation compliance service. From Privacy Program Framework Maturity Assessments, to DPIA (Data Protection Impact Analysis) to fully fleshed out communications, we have you covered for GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA and more.
We also help companies with Data Privacy consulting from Privacy Engineering to Privacy policy to cyber awareness training; how everything plays in to a company’s cyber security efforts. Visit our corporate page for more information on how we can help your company.
Seminars and Speaking Engagements
We continue to book a combination of taped and live seminars and workshops for conferences and companies. Reach out for more information.
School Bookings
For virtual learning, we have produced digital resources (videos and downloads) for several school boards. Contact us for custom solutions for your school.
Keep Up With Us
For current news, follow us on your social media platform of choice:
YouTube, for Cyber Safety videos, Regulation educational videos, and records of interviews & podcasts – Binary Tattoo YouTube page for recordings of these events, podcast, and interviews!
NetSPI and Cat did a great podcast in May 2020 and then they captured it as an article on the evolution of data privacy, GDPR, and how to be proactive with your data security compliance. Read the full article on the NetSPI website.
Ongoing 2020 – SiberX Podcast Series
Join Cat and a series of leading expert guests on the SiberXchange Podcasts. Cybersecurity topics include Top Defence Strategies for 2020, How to Train your Teams for Cybersecurity, What Companies *think* they know about cyber but don’t. Stay tuned for new episodes being added all of time.
March 10, 2020 – SiberX Women in Cybersecurity Conference
February 28, 2020 – University of Waterloo Cybersecurity and Privacy Conference
Cat spoke at the annual Privacy Conference at the University of Waterloo. You can see videos of all of the talks including Canadian Government, Algorithmic Bias, Using Tor as Browser and Cat’s talk on Privacy Regulations here:
December 9-13, 2019 – WiseHer Online Business Summit
Looking to get ahead in your career or with your business? Check out WiseHer’s FREE Business & Career Acceleration Summit. This free global online event featured 40+ experts who shared tips and tricks on business/career development topics. Cat’s talk is on How to Safeguard Your Online Brand; Learn to separate your professional online identity from your private personal accounts. Have a listen here:
November, 2019 – Podcast interview with Uberknowledge
Cat met with Ashwin Krishnan on the UberKnowledge podcast where they talked about global privacyregulations and what all companies need to understand, big and small. Listen online here.
October, 2019 – Joined the Standards Council of Canada on GDPR
Cat is now a member of the Standards Council of Canada GDPR committee. The group os tasked with evaluating how best to educate the Canadian public and businesses on GDPR compliance.
October, 2019 – Insider Threat Panel for Innovation Women
Looking to prevent insider threats to your business? Watch this informative recording which includes myself, Kathy Winger (Cybersecurity Lawyer), Stacey Champagne (Insider Threat Program lead at Blackstone), and moderated by Deirdre Diamond (CEO of CyberSN recruiting).
October, 2019 – Internet Safety Article in Country Guide Magazine
Cat was interviewed for Country Guide Magazine about Staying Safe Online for individuals and small business owners. This journalist captured *all* the tips! Check out the article online.
October 1, 2019 – Keynote for the CyberCity Conf
Cat was thrilled to be the keynote for CyberCity Conf, the inaugural Cybersecurity conference in Waterloo Region. Cat spoke to privacy.. with a Lord of the Rings theme. The day provided the sold-out audience with a breadth of cybersecurity topics. Stay tuned for next year’s event.
August 22-23, 2019 – Featured Panelist at CISO Forum Canada
CISO Forum Canada conference in Niagara Falls targeted CISO issues in Cybersecurity and Privacy. Cat was a member of the Women in Cybersecurity panel.
July, 2019 – New Video Playlist
In line with our corporate focus on Privacy Compliance, we are releasing new videos on Data Privacy and Global Regulations. Check out the playlist and subscribe to get notified when new videos are added.
February 15 – 18th, 2019 – Parents Consciousness Conference
A momentous event: Cat and 27 other parenting experts from around the world spoke at the Kidskintha Parenting Consciousness Conference. This 4 day event can still be purchased. There are 7 tracks covering everything from mental health to physical changes. Cat spoke on Your Child’s Digital Footprint in Track 5. Purchase today!
February 2019 – Cat on Crime Stoppers talking about Cybersafety
In November 2018, Cat filmed a segment on Waterloo Region’s popular Crime Stoppers show. Check out this 12 minute video on how to keep your kids safe online.
Feb 4 2019 – In Studio “Street Proofing Your Kids”
Cat returns to RogersTV on their show In Studio with Natasha Mckenty. Watch from 20 min to the end to see Cat talking about Street Proofing Your Kids Online – keeping them safe from strangers, and what one thing you need to tell them *before* they go online.
October 11, 2018 – Technology and the Job Market Event, Actua, Toronto
Cat joined a distinguished set of panelists for an event on Technology and the Changing Job Market in honour of International Day of the Girl. The panel and Q&A took place Thursday, October 11th, in conjunction with Actua,
September 2018 – CIPP/C Certified!
Congratulations to our founder Cat Coode on her CIPP/C (Certified Information Privacy Professional/Canada) designation from the International Association of Privacy Professionals. This helps us serve you better in the realm of Privacy and Data laws in Canada.
August 30 2018 – Online Parent Seminar for Social Media and Internet Safety
Second year in a row, we joined with 4 other tech education professionals from across Canada to bring you a FREE Live Seminar on Social Media and Tech Safety for kids. Our backgrounds span law enforcement, tech, privacy law, education and psychology. We want to help answer all of your questions about the tech your kids have, and the tech the schools provide. The video of the event is available here on YouTube.
June 16 2018 – Power Off and Play Event in Guelph, ON
Binary Tattoo was very excited to be a part of the Balanced Technology Management committee in Guelph-Wellington that hosted a Power Off and Play event in Guelph on May 16th.
May 3rd, 2018 – Moms Making Money Show with Amie Pederson
Many moms, including Cat, start their businesses small with the time they have and then build their businesses and their brands. The issue is that many of these women are on their own or at the mercy of information provided by MLM companies or mentors. This information on online branding may make for great marketing but it is not always geared at your safety or your families.
That’s why Cat was delighted to do this awesome interview with business coach and MLM specialist Amie Pederson, where she teach you how to keep you, your kids, and your business safe online.
April 15-19 2018 – Mom’s Can: Code Virtual Summit
Are you a woman who is interested in tech but don’t know where to start? Cat was a part of the #MomsCanCode Virtual Summit. You can still see the full list of speakers & get information at
The Waterloo Region Small Business Centre hosted their annual breakfast in honour of International Women’s Day. This year our own Cat Coode was a featured speaker.
October 2017 – National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Look out for special posts, events, and loads of helpful information thanks to all of our wonder partners celebrating Cyber Security Awareness all month long. Follow the hashtag #CyberAware on Twitter all month long to get tips and tricks from lots of experts on how to keep safe online for both you and your business.
September 6 2017 – Online Parent Seminar for Social Media and Internet Safety
We are thrilled to have joined with 4 other tech education professionals from across Canada to bring you a FREE Live Seminar on Social Media and Tech Safety for kids. Our backgrounds span law enforcement, tech, and psychology. We want to help answer all of your questions about the tech your kids have, and the tech the schools provide. The video of the event is available here on YouTube.
August 2017 – Internet Matters UK
Two of our articles were featured this month on Internet Matters UK.
Binary Tattoo was one of 5 featured companies from the Fierce Founders Accelerator at the Communitech Pitch Competition. Fierce Founders is the first all female-led tech accelerator of its kind in Canada.
March 2017 – Hive Waterloo International Women’s Day
Cat was a featured speaker at the Hive Waterloo Change The Ration event for International Women’s Day. If you missed the event, the recorded copy can be found here.
February 2017 – New Animated Video
Why is your digital identity so important? Check out our new animated video to find out.
January 28th, 2017 – Data Privacy Day
Annual Data Privacy Day is January 28th. Search for the hashtag #PrivacyAware online to follow up on the events from that day. We were once again a champion for the program and were excited to reach many people with tips and ideas on how to stay safe.
November 26. 2016 – WRDSB Digital Citizenship Summit
The Waterloo Regional District School Board hosted an all day Digital Citizenship Summit for all their parents of kids from K to Grade 12. Come learn from a variety of speakers about what tech kids are using at school, how tech for education is working, and how to keeps kids safe on tech at home. Cat spoke at two of the sessions. To learn more, visit their website.
October 2016 – Kidskintha Interview
We love doing interviews! It gives us a chance to give tips and tricks on how to stay safe online while still enjoying the internet. You can check out Cat’s full interview with parenting website Kidskintha.
October 2016 – National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Look out for special posts, events, and loads of helpful information thanks to all of our wonder partners celebrating Cyber Security Awareness all month long. Follow the hashtag #CyberAware on Twitter all month long to get tips and tricks from lots of experts on how to keep safe online for both you and your business.
September 15th, 2016 – #DistractinglyHonest
Last year, PhD candidate Eden Hennessy presented a photo essay called #DistractinglySexist, an exhibit of sexism in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Due to how well received it was, Eden is back again with #DisractinglyHonest, featuring our own Cat Coode. The reception took place September 15th au Laurier University.
Summer 2016 – Sharenting Parody Video
Need a laugh? Cat teamed up with parenting talk show hosts Vanessa + Melissa to show us what would happen If Moms Shared In Real Life Like They Do Online. Stay tuned to the end for great tips to keep kids safe.
2016 – Returning visits to daytime on Rogers TV
Cat will be appearing as a regular guest again this year on Rogers TV’s most popular talk show, daytime, which airs every weekday in Waterloo Region (Cable 20) at 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm and 11 pm. Rogers customers can watch live from anywhere using this link. Watch for Cat on:
January 4th, January 28th, February 22nd, March 21st, April 25th, May 16th and June 20th.
April 2016 – New Network and App Resource!
The #1 take-away Cat gets asked for after speaking engagements is a list of networks and their safety rating. By popular demand, we are thrilled to present our Network and App Resource. This page contains the most popular and talked about apps that kids, and adults, are using. Each app includes a description of what it is, why people like it, and what risks are associated with it. Check it out for yourself!
April 27th, 2016 – #TelusWise Twitter Chat with Yummy Mummy Club
Cat was special guest for the #TelusWise Twitter chat that Yummy Mummy Club Hosted on keeping kids safe online. Over 200 questions were asked and the participation was excellent. Thanks to everyone who listened in, tweeted, and took part.
In the much-hyped Canadian court case against Jian Ghomeshi, the defence lawyer pulled out emails and images that are over 10 years old. Is that a legitimate thing to do? Absolutely. Here’s the piece from CTV, in which Cat makes an appearance, explaining about digital debris as evidence.
January 28th, 2016 – Data Privacy Day
Annual Data Privacy Day is January 28th. Search for the hashtag #PrivacyAware online to follow up on the events from that day. We were once again a champion for the program and were excited to reach many people with tips and ideas on how to stay safe.
December 2015 – Waterloo Alumni Magazine
Cat’s alma mater, the University of Waterloo, published an entire edition of their Alumni Magazine on gender equality in the world of STEM (science, tech, engineering, math). Check out the magazine and Cat (Building a Better Workplace article).
October 27, 2015 – Vanessa + Melissa
Vanessa + Melissa is a great new parenting show on Rogers TV. Cat was on their inaugural episode talking about kids and tablets. If you missed the airing, watch it on YouTube.
October 17, 2015 – Girls in STEM Mini Conference
Cat was pleased to have taken part in the Cambridge Ontario YWCA STEM mini conference for girls, along with a dozen other women in careers ranging from scientists to physiotherapists to engineers.
October 2015 – National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Again this year we were proud to be a champion for NCSAM (National Cyber Security Awareness Month). Follow the hashtag #CyberAware on Twitter all month long to get tips and tricks from lots of experts on how to keep safe online for both you and your business.
August 2015 – Latest Binary Tattoo Video on Snapchat
Snapchat is one of the newer social networks but kids are loving it! Check out the video to find out why and what you need to know to keep them safe.
July 2015 – 570 News Interview with Cat
Always a pleasure to be interviewed on 570News on their Tech Spotlight with Eric Drozd. Check out the interview below.
July 2015 – New Binary Tattoo Video on Instagram
Our latest video on Kids & Instagram is now available on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to get notified as we add more great videos.
July 2015 – 570News Cat featured in news story on Women in Tech
A new study on places for women to live in Canada revealed that KW is at the bottom of the list. This has prompted many news outlets to question the climate of the tech industry here. Check out the article that 570News published.
July 1st, 2015 – Year of Code!
The Waterloo Region Year of Code has begun. This is a year-long campaign to teach digital literacy to the community and beyond. Binary Tattoo is proud to support this initiative. For more information on the many activities happening throughout the year, check out their website.
May 2015 – New YouTube Channel
We are very excited to announce our new YouTube Channel! We are starting with a video series for parents on why kids find social networks appealing and how to keep them safe. Our first video on Kids & YouTube is available now. Subscribe to be the first to know when more are added.
March 11, 2015 – The Record Business Section
Cat was featured on the cover of the business section of The Record, in Waterloo Region. You can read the article online to find out more about what’s coming for Binary Tattoo.
March 2015 – Parents Canada Magazine
Cat was interviewed from an article in the Feb/Mar edition of Parents Canada Magazine on social accounts for babies. You can pick up a copy or read the article online.
February 2015 – Diapers & Lipgloss Webisode
The ladies of Diapers and Lipgloss have gone global! Now their webisodes are available direct from YouTube. Check out this one on Kids Safety Online.
The Total Woman Show is an amazing annual conference held at Bingeman’s in Kitchener, Ontario. The two-day event features speakers, seminars and loads of exhibitors showing everything women could want or need to help them achieve an amazing life. Cat was featured on the main stage as well as having a booth for the weekend. Thanks to everyone who came out. It was great to meet so many amazing people.
January 22nd, 2015 – Communitech – Tech About Town
Cat was featured as the Tech About Town on Communitech’s website. Communitech is a tech accelerator in Kitchener-Waterloo that is turning out some of Canada’s best tech entrepreneurs and companies.